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Responsibility statement

Van Clamsfield International Ltd.’ proactive contribution to a sense of societal & ecological responsibility consists of the following actions:

Van Clamsfield International Ltd. utilizes exclusively and solely ‘Biotop 3’ company stationary, which encompasses FSC certified paper from well-managed forests that is 100% chlorine-free (TCF) and 100% recycled paper that is made through an ecological-friendly production process. Additional paper documents within the organization of Van Clamsfield International Ltd. are also printed solely on ‘Biotop 3’ paper.
watertankVan Clamsfield International Ltd. employs wooden water tanks, situated on the company terrain, to collect rain water. On a yearly basis, the intercepted rain water provides enough water volume to supply the office gardens with sufficient irrigation in the summer season. Clean drinking water is a scarce natural resource and therefore in our opinion not suitable for watering plants. Through the use of this method of action, Van Clamsfield International Ltd. hopes to contribute to the prevention of the depletion of clean drinking water.
windmillsVan Clamsfield International Ltd. applies a comprehensive financial data security system. The processing of financial and fiscal data is operated from within a wholly-owned, secure and complete accountancy cloud, facilitated with its own ICT-environment that fits the needs of even the most complex listed firms. The accessibility of this data is exclusive and solely reserved for Van Clamfield International Ltd. authorized personnel. The accountancy cloud is equipped with a number of authentication procedures and authorization limits, set down within the system. Processed financial data is always coded and encrypted, thereby ensuring that the information is unusable in case of theft or computer hacking. In light of internal control standards, the accountancy cloud is completely separated from the back-up cloud, as Van Clamsfield International Ltd. makes use of two distinct ICT-clouds. Should one cloud, through an unexpected turn of events, be compromised (which is highly unlikely given the vast number of precautionary safety measures), financial and fiscal client data is not lost, as there is another cloud storing the same data on a completely independent and different location. Align with normal data security procedures, Van Clamsfield International Ltd. applies professional and technologically advanced anti-virus software, firewalls and special authentication controls within the digital environment.
cloudsVan Clamsfield International Ltd. makes use of an ICT-Cloud to back-up all company- and client data. All company- and client data is exclusively and solely accessible by Van Clamsfield International Ltd. Van Clamsfield International Ltd. is aware of the fact that sensitive information needs to be secured and therefore the data is encrypted prior to the storage of the information in the cloud. The primary advantage of the application of an ICT-Cloud is that all company- and client data is safeguarded against uncontrollable variables such as a fire or company theft (Eg. computer hacking), since the data is preserved in a secured and independent location. Align with our data security- and internal control- policy, additional data safety measures are also in place.
company logoVan Clamsfield International Ltd.’ company logo, which is printed on our official company stationary and envelopes, is equipped with a special security seal to prevent forgery. The company logo is printed on official company stationary and envelopes using the technique of hot foiling in conjunction with 3D vintage embossing. The company logo is thus ingrained within the paper to complicate forgery and corporate identity theft. Consequently, recipients of Van Clamsfield International Ltd.’ stationary can entrust in the rightful origin and thus also the content of the letter.
boat in bottleVan Clamsfield International Ltd. practices several mechanisms of internal control. The company stationary and envelopes, which are provided with security seals, are stored in a separate and independent location. The paper is therefore not accessible to unauthorized individuals, thereby frustrating potential corporate identity theft.
Furthermore, Van Clamsfield International Ltd. makes use of two distinct ICT-clouds, the accountancy cloud and the back-up cloud, thereby ensuring recovery of data and business continuity in case of an ICT-compromise.
In order to secure that physical documents will not be obtained by unauthorized individuals, these documents are stored in a separate and independent location, thereby safeguarding our clients’ privacy and protecting our corporate value of confidentiality.
Van Clamsfield International Ltd. employs various authentication controls and authorization limits within its applicable corporate digital- and corporate physical- locations.
Van Clamsfield International Ltd. is awarded with the Dutch government certificate of the internationally recognized standard business reporting (SBR) for intermediaries, which allows for encrypted and therefore safe communication and transfer of financial data in XBRL-format with the Dutch tax authorities, financial institutions, the Chamber of Commerce and the Central Agency of Statistics in the Netherlands. To enhance market transparency, digital innovation and accountability, governments around the world - such as the Netherlands, New-Zealand, the Republic of Singapore, China, South-Africa, Poland and India - are advocating a transfer to the internationally standardized reporting system of SBR. The number of nations that works with a XBRL-format in the application of their digital taxonomies is even greater.
The application for a Dutch government certificate of SBR, otherwise known as PKI government certificate, is an extensive process, which knows a transit time of six months up to one year. Credentials of the CEO and other company executives are checked and verified by officials who were appointed by the Dutch government. Furthermore, the company office is inspected by a notary office’ officials. The company CEO is required to be present at the time of inspection to ensure that officials have the ability to determine the validity of the CEO’s identity and subsequent credentials. Intermediaries are required to uphold technologically advanced ICT-systems. The certificate is tailored to the intermediary company, in the sense that after allotment of the certificate, the financial intermediary is always readily identifiable in the digital transfer of financial information to financial institutional parties.
For more information on SBR, please visit or
Van Clamsfield International Ltd. is focused on a proactive and ongoing assessment policy of risks, which could potentially jeopardize our business continuity. Financial data is sensitive information. Therefore, Van Clamsfield International Ltd. has undertaken extensive measures to ensure the security of that data and the privacy of our clients by installing: data security mechanisms, ICT-clouds, security seals, internal control mechanisms and government-protected digital transfer of financial data.
The Legal Aid Board (the Council) provides financial support, if you need a solicitor, but cannot afford one. For more information and application for legal aid, please visit and contact

Van Clamsfield International Ltd. is not connected to the Legal Aid Board and therefore does not receive any monetary allowance for the provision of legal aid. Nevertheless, Van Clamsfield International Ltd. has provided and intends to provide legal aid - within its capacity and budget - to individuals in harrowing circumstances, who do not have the means to afford private legal representation. Due to the fact that a legal case takes up a lot of time and Van Clamsfield International Ltd. is a small-sized firm (capacity restraints) and the fact that Van Clamsfield International Ltd. needs to finance the provision of legal aid itself (budget restraints), Van Clamsfield International Ltd. reserves all rights to decline your legal case without explanation. Please note that our capacity to take on legal aid cases is very limited and therefore referral to the legally appointed institute for legal aid - the Legal Aid Board - is almost always necessary. Van Clamsfield International Ltd.’ provision of legal aid is not applicable in business-to-business legal problems, a legal conflict with tax authorities, criminal- or labor/employment cases. Van Clamsfield International Ltd. takes on legal cases - provided there are no capacity and budgetary restraints - of individuals who are faced with grinding inequality, injustice or an otherwise intolerable situation, and who do not have the financial means to afford legal representation.
Van Clamsfield International Ltd. adheres to the principle of equal treatment - promulgated in EU Council Directive 2000/78 of 27 November 2000 - which requires that all people, and in the context of the workplace all workers, have the right to receive the same treatment, and will not be discriminated against on the basis of criteria such as age, gender, disability, nationality, sexual orientation, race, and religion. For more information, please visit:

The values which underpin Van Clamsfield International Ltd.’ corporate activities and actions:

Van Clamsfield International Ltd. applies a strict confidentiality policy: all client-company communications are confidential. Information is not shared with third parties, with the exception of certain criminal investigations for which there exists no right to refuse to answer questions.
Van Clamsfield International Ltd. commits itself to practicing its profession in an upright manner at all times by obeying to the (inter)national written and unwritten laws, maintaining an open and short communication line with our clients, exerting ourselves in every case to the best of our abilities, and to not breach the confidence our clients bestowed on us.
Van Clamsfield International Ltd. commits itself to treat our clients with respect, which entails being courteous by providing timely and relevant responses to requests, working with integrity by exerting ourselves and informing our clients to the best of our abilities, exercising professional conduct in all business matters and communications. In return, we do as well expect our clients to uphold normal manners of decency in their business interactions.
Van Clamsfield International Ltd. strives to provide our clients with the latest and relevant knowledgeable facts, opportunities and strategies within our area of expertise, which consists of valuable knowhow to our clients’ specific information needs, given the particular fields of work in which they operate.
Van Clamsfield International Ltd. attempts to continuously improve the quality of its provision of consulting services through knowledgeable innovation, frequent self-reflection and responsiveness to well-constructed criticism of other parties.
Van Clamsfield International Ltd. manages the quality of its provision of services through holding our services up to professional quality standards prior to issuance of the particular service to the client and by verifying whether our services are meeting clients’ expectations through periodic assessments.
Van Clamsfield International Ltd.’ view on optimized service consists of relevant information at the right time. To the best of our abilities, we strive to ensure our clients receive the required essential knowledge at the time they need this critical information to streamline their decision making process.
Van Clamsfield International Ltd. seeks to provide our clients with up-to-date knowledge to optimize their business operations and to challenge their strategic gap by enabling our clients to gain a deepened understanding about their opportunity to take in a competitive position in their field of activity that is not yet fully exploited by others in the competitive environment.
Van Clamsfield International Ltd. strives for an optimized effort in our provision of services, which entails we are committed to giving every business case the proper amount of attention it deserves and to the best of our abilities we reach for the best possible outcome in favor of our clients.
Van Clamsfield International Ltd. is an ethically motivated firm: we seek to minimize our potential negative effects on the environment and society and we attempt to uphold a professional attitude and a moral compass in our everyday conduct of business.
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