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Legal notice

This notice applies to the following website addresses:, and

By visiting this website and/or viewing the offered information content of the above-mentioned website (addresses), you acknowledge and agree - without legal reservations - to the relevance and applicability of this legal notice.

Use of the website
This website is aimed at providing an introduction of strict informative nature with respect to Van Clamsfield International Ltd.’ offered consultancy services, organization and activities. The information content, provided on this website, is exclusively meant as general information. No rights can be derived from the use of the information content on this website. Van Clamsfield International Ltd. intends to preserve and update this website regularly, but does not guarantee that the information content of this website will still be correct, complete or accurate at the time the website is consulted or after a period of time, and therefore does not accept any liability for the consequences of any acts or omissions based on the information content of this website. The obtained information through the use of this website is generic, and therefore is in no manner – nor explicit, nor implicit – aimed at addressing the specific situation or business case of the visitor to this website and Van Clamsfield International Ltd. therefore does not accept any liability for the consequences of acts or omissions based on the information content of this website.

Rights to this website
Van Clamsfield International Ltd. owns, solely and exclusively, all rights, title and interest in and to this website, all the (compilation of-) content, code, date and materials thereon, website design, website organization, and website character, including but not limited to any copyrights, trademark and servicemark rights, and other intellectual property and proprietary rights. The rights relating to all parts of this website, including but not limited to text(s), company logo(s) and/or company logo images, graphic material(s), (stock) photographs, picture element(s), layout(s), publication(s), article(s), information content(s) etc., which can be viewed through the use of this website, are vested exclusively in Van Clamsfield International Ltd., in so far as these rights are not vested in third parties. The use of this site by visitors does not grant visitors ownership of any text(s), company logo(s) and/or company logo images, graphic material(s), (stock) photographs, picture element(s), layout(s), publication(s), article(s), information content(s) or code, data or materials, which the visitor may access on this website. Any commercial distribution, publishing or exploitation of this website is strictly prohibited. Without the prior written consent of Van Clamsfield International Ltd., visitors to this website are not permitted to reproduce, display, disseminate, edit, copy, download, publish, or duplicate (parts of) this website or the information content and publications obtainable through it, in whatever manner or form or for whichever purpose or on whomever’s behalf. Visitors to this website are only authorized to use (parts of) this website for general informative purposes only and not for any commercial purposes.

The trademarks, servicemarks, and company logo(s), displayed on this website, are registered and unregistered trademarks or servicemarks of Van Clamsfield International Ltd. and/or third parties that own such a trademark or servicemark. Visitors - to this website and affiliated and/or linked social media pertaining to the property of Van Clamsfield International Ltd. - are strictly prohibited to use the name and/or logo of Van Clamsfield International Ltd. in whatever manner or form or for whatever purpose, or have them used on their behalf, other than directly in connection with accessing or using this website.

Functioning of website
Van Clamsfield International Ltd. intends to maintain all parts of this website accessible at all times, but cannot guarantee that all parts of this website will be accessible under all circumstances and at all times, and therefore does not accept any liability for the consequences of any (temporary) unavailability to access a (part of) this website.
Van Clamsfield International Ltd. has no control over telecommunications, data communication and/or computer systems employed to gain or attempt access to this website, and therefore does not accept any liability for the consequences of any failures that might occur when visiting or using this website or when submitting a contact application.
This website contains links to other websites and other websites may hold links to this website. The websites that are accessible through this website and the websites that include links to this website are not designed or maintained by Van Clamsfield International Ltd., and therefore Van Clamsfield International Ltd. accepts no responsibility for their contents.
Van Clamsfield International Ltd. intends to protect this website as much as reasonably feasible from elements that may harm the functioning of the computer equipment and/or software (viruses), but cannot guarantee that this website will be entirely free of such harmful elements, and therefore does not accept any liability for any consequences that accessing or using (parts of) this website might entail for the operation of the computer equipment and/or software.

Applicable laws
The website and the legal notice shall be exclusively governed by the laws of the Netherlands. All disputes, arising out of or connected to this legal notice, shall be brought before the competent court in the Netherlands.

All rights reserved. Copyright © 2025 Van Clamsfield International Ltd.
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